Wednesday, March 27, 2013

23 Tips for Using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter

by Sookie Shuen

With the global economy still slumping, businesses and marketers are embracing new methods of social marketing as a way to spread the word in a more reliable, consistent, and cost-effective way. Are you taking advantage of all that the LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter platforms offer?

Read tips here

Monday, March 18, 2013

Six Essentials for Networking

by Christine Comaford-Lynch

"Networking is about creating an extended family. It’s about developing connections, caring about people, increasing the size of your “tribe.” Here are a few networking essentials..."

Read article here

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Social Media Strategy Checklist

by Sean Carton

"Here, then, is my 10-step social media strategy checklist. It's hardly magical stuff; you could probably apply a lot of these questions to just about any advertising or marketing you do. But going through this checklist as you build a social media strategy will help you develop a strategy based on results, not hype. It may be painful, especially if you like new things (Oooh! Shiny!), but when you get real results instead of making excuses, you'll be glad you did."

Read article here